2024-12-24 / uncategorized
December 2024 Website Revamp
Yet another website redesign
2024-11-09 / uncategorized
Wood Table and Shelf
Wood table and shelf combo for my room
2023-12-30 / uncategorized
LYNE Puzzle Solver, C
A basic solution finder for the puzzle game LYNE, written in C
2023-07-17 / uncategorized
Creating a Simple NAS
Network Attached Storage with Ubuntu, Webmin, and Samba
2023-03-20 / uncategorized
Remotely turning on my desktop
Using an ESP-32 connected an MQTT broker
2022-12-19 / uncategorized
Crossword Navigation Extension
Browser extension to add keyboard navigation to a crossword website
2022-10-13 / uncategorized
Mini LED Sign
Made with an ESP32 WROOM32 and 1088AS LED matrix
2022-08-01 / uncategorized
HarkTV: A Retrospective
A really long hackathon project turned startup.
2022-07-01 / uncategorized
Foodpool: A Retrospective
Some reflections on another startup I cofounded
2021-01-31 / uncategorized
Analyzes group chats and comes up with fun information
2020-12-31 / uncategorized
MoonJelly Chrome Extension
A chrome extension for navigating the Ocean Data Marketplace
2020-11-30 / uncategorized
Node Visualizer
Adds a node visualizer view to [monday.com](http://monday.com/) project boards
2020-08-01 / uncategorized
Quiznomer: Where it All Begins
The first website a friend and I ever made, filled with bizarre and nonsense quizzes
2019-07-01 / uncategorized
Longboards from scratch
Longboards made in a garage with friends
2019-05-01 / uncategorized
A game I made in high school in my programming class