A chrome extension for navigating the Ocean Data Marketplace
MoonJelly Chrome Extension
(Written on 01/07/2023, but dated earlier to fit the chronological order of projects)
Another Hackathon Project
This was a hackathon submission for Ocean Protocol's Data Economy Challenge 2020. It's a little chrome extension that let's you browse, upload, and set notifications on things in the Ocean Data Marketplace.
Jeremy and I wanted to challenge ourselves by diving into something we knew very little about, and this idea was further expanded upon with Hark
This is also the second hackathon of the triple hackathon streak Jeremy and I went on: Node Visualizer -> MoonJelly -> HarkTV.
Closing thoughts
- We actually won some prizes with this project
- Third Place ($8000 prize)
- 1inch Exchange Bonus Prize ($500)
- More details can be found in the devpost writeup.
- Source code can be found on Github.
- We actually wrote documentation for this one.